Clients & Feedback
I had/have the pleasure of working with international executives and team members, as well as internationally working entrepreneurs from diverse industries (IT, Banks, Beverage industry, Energy sector, Food producers, Consulting, Education).
To give you an insight into my work, here is an overview of topics and clients
Development of internal Coach, Trainer, Moderator Pools
Atieh Group, Tehran/ Iran, Erber AG, Herzogenburg/ Austria, Verwaltungsakademie der Stadt Graz in cooperation with bit management
(virtuelle) Team Development incl. Team Coaching
Ardex Baustoff GmbH, Vienna/ Austria – Bratislava/ Slovakia, European Patent Office, Vienna/ Austria, Konica Minolta Academy, Langenhagen/ Germany, Tehran Institute of Technology (MFT)/ Iran in cooperation with TAFE NSW/ Australia, Vienna International School, Vienna / Austria
Management Development
German Iranian Chamber of Industry & Commerce Tehran/ Iran, Houses for Life, Vienna/ Austria, Minolta Academy, Langenhagen/ Germany
Individual Management & Career Support
Rauch AG, RZB AG, Strabag AG, OMV AG, Erber Group, Atieh Group, Amnesty International