About Steffi Bärmann
After almost ten years as an independent Human Resources Development Manager and Think Coach with clients worldwide, I have been applying my knowledge to my work at the University of Applied Sciences Vienna since 2016. I develop and teach in personnel development, training, and coaching. The combination of research and practice is thereby essential.
Here is some additional Information:
Since 2015, I have been a member of the International Coach Federation, ICF - Austrian Chapter; in 2016, I was President, and in 2020/2021 Director of Administration.
Professional Journey
Before I started my HRD and coaching career, I have worked for the following companies - mainly in the education and banking sector:
Samco Capital Tehran Office/ Iran
Raiffeisen Central Bank Austria AG Vienna/ Austria
UNIPORT – Career Center of the University of Vienna/ Austria
RedEd – former Ueberreuter Managerakademie Vienna/ Austria
Citibank International Plc Vienna/ Austria
Siemens AG Regensburg/ Germany
Regional Television Regensburg/ Germany
Geographic Journey
13 years in Schwaan/ former GDR-Eastern Germany
7 years Rostock/ former GDR
2 years Regensburg/ Germany
11 years Vienna/ Austria
3 years Tehran/ Iran
6 months in Helsinki/ Finland
since March 2012, back in Austria
Active Memberships
International Coach Federation - Austrian Chapter
Diversity Charta WKO
Experiences with a substantial impact on my life
Being youth world champion in Handball at the age of 17
The fall of the wall (GDR – GER) and coping with a completely new contradicting culture while staying in the same city and living on the same street
Stopping my studies (in my home country) to study something completely new (in another country) without support and while working because I wanted to change my way of living, my direction
Being married to an Iranian/ Austrian world traveler. We share the same passion for other countries and cultures, as we learn from each other what it means to come from a different culture.
Building a coaching business in Iran, where this word was more or less unknown, and everyone was suggesting I change into a trading business, but I stayed positive and happily succeeded
Becoming a mother of two lovely and challenging girls, they make me grow while I try to grow them
Starting a doctorate at the age of 43, topic artificial intelligence in human resources development, crazy & so many opportunities
Educational Journey (an excerpt)
Doctoral Candidate, University of Applied Sciences Burgenland/ International Cooperative Cross-Border Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Educational & Communication Sciences/ Topic "Trust between employees as learners, supervising managers and AI-supported systems in HRD"
MEd, Master of Education, Interuniversitäres Kolleg for Health and Development Graz / Schloss Seggau in cooperation with Universidad Central de Nicaragua
MSc in Business Administration (consecutive), Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria/ Specialized in International Organisational Behaviour, Change Management and Management Development, – Project Management, Theses on "Diversity Management in Projects"
Certified Adult Educator (certified by WBA Austria) at WBA, Austria
Professional Certified Coach (PCC) (certified by International Coach Federation, ICF), USA
Certified SolutionsAcademy Organizational Coach at SolutionsAcademy, Germany
Certified Mentor Coach at SolutionsAcademy, Germany
Business Coach at Corporate Consult, Austria
Communication and Business Trainer at Corporate Consult, Austria
Moderation/ Facilitation at Corporate Consult, Austria
Life and Social Counsellor i.t.u.s., at Team Winter, Austria
NLP Practiticioner (accredited by ÖVNLP, DVNLP, DGNLPt.) at Team Winter, Austria
Robbins-Mandanes Certification Student: Strategic Intervention Coaching, Core Training, at Robbins Mandanes Training, USA
Using AI for HR Certified, issued by Future Workplace
Certified DiSC Trainer at iiLS Institute of Innovative Learning Systems, Austria
Cultural Detective Facilitator Certification Workshop – Special Focus on the Middle East, at Atieh International GmbH and Dianne Hofner Saphiere – Creator of the Cultural Detective® Series, Austria
Junior Project Manager (IPMA Level D) at PMA Austria
Courses (min. length two days)
The Pulse of Coaching, Group Mentoring Program, Mentor Coaches Ltd. Bulgaria
E-Portfolio, at FH Joanneum Graz, Austria
Supporting Continuous Independent Learning at Centre for Modern Workplace Learning, Jane Hart, UK
ICF Competency Brush-Up Program, Amorah Ross, Master Certified Coach at Positive Life Works, USA
Designing Coaching Programs at Frank Bresser Consulting, Germany
Results Team Coach (accredited by the ICF) at Results Coaching System, Finland
Systemic Methods for Team Coaching and Team Mediation (Beatrice Pacher, Waltraud Schachner), at WiFi Vienna, Austria
Speed Coaching (Thomas Nagy) at WiFi Vienna, Austria